VyOS Networks Blog

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Category: VyOS Platform Blog | lts

Daniil Baturin
Posted 27 Jun, 2024

Introducing VyOS Stream — a next step in the VyOS project evolution

Hello, Community! Historically, we had two types of branches — rolling (current) and LTS branches. When we started working on a new LTS release, its branch woul...
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Yuriy Andamasov
Posted 25 Apr, 2024

Community, Contributors, User Base and LTS builds

Hello, Сommunity! Recently, there have been a lot of questions about LTS release-building procedures. We are making changes in that area — not least due to spec...
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Daniil Baturin
Posted 22 Feb, 2024

VyOS 1.4.0 (Sagitta) LTS release

Hello, Community! We are happy to announce that the VyOS 1.4.0-epa1 image is now available to customers and contributors (and everyone can build it from the sag...
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Yuriy Andamasov
Posted 15 Nov, 2023

VyOS LTS Support Policy

Hello, Community! Now that the 1.3.4 LTS release is over and the upcoming 1.4.0 release is on its path to the first early production access release, we'd like t...
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Daniil Baturin
Posted 22 Jun, 2023

VyOS 1.3.3 LTS release

Hello, Community! VyOS 1.3.3 (Equuleus) LTS release is now available for download to subscribers and contributors. The interval between 1.3.2 (released in the p...
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Daniil Baturin
Posted 22 Mar, 2023

VyOS 1.2.9-S1 maintenance release

Hello, community! VyOS 1.2.9-S1 maintenance and security release is now available for download to everyone. We planned 1.2.9 to become the last 1.2.x release un...
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Daniil Baturin
Posted 7 Sep, 2022

VyOS 1.3.2 LTS release

Hello, community! VyOS 1.3.2 LTS release is now available for subscribers to download and for everyone to build. It features over a dozen improvements and about...
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Daniil Baturin
Posted 21 Mar, 2022

VyOS 1.3.1 release

Hello, Community VyOS 1.3.1 release is now available: subscribers (customers and contributors) can download binary images from the support portal, and everyone ...
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Daniil Baturin
Posted 21 Dec, 2021

VyOS 1.3.0 LTS release

VyOS 1.3.0 (Equuleus) is now GA, and images are available to our customers and contributors. After three years in development and an extended-release candidate/...
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Yuriy Andamasov
Posted 24 Mar, 2021

VyOS 1.2.7 release

Hello! VyOS 1.2.7 LTS release is now available to subscribers, and everyone can build an equivalent image from our repositories. This release took a while to co...
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