Firewall groups today and tomorrow
Substantial work has been done by Marian Tudosoiu to bring IPv6 firewall groups to the current implementation of firewall configuration scripts even before we g...
The night of living dead protocols: RIPv2
RIP's name seems to have anticipated its ultimate fate. It used to stand for Routing Information Protocol before newer and better protocols killed it. Still, mo...
IP tunnels I have known and loved
Today we'll talk about the "classic" IP tunneling protocols. GRE is often seen as a one size fits all solution when it comes to classic IP tunneling protocols, ...
NAT with a thousand faces
The familiar use cases for NAT are source NAT/masquerade for allowing private subnets access to the Internet, and port forwarding from the Internet to a host in...
Setting up GRE/IPsec behind NAT
In the previous posts of this series we've discussed setting up "plain" IPsec tunnels from behind NAT. The transparency of the plain IPsec, however, is more oft...