Update: 1.1.4 amd64 image load balancing problem
Updated image can be downloaded from the primary mirror, http://packages.vyos.net/iso/release/1.1.4/vyos-1.1.4-1-amd64.iso.
Load balancing problem in 1.1.4 amd64 image
I hope none of those who use load balancing had time to update to 1.1.4 image, because it was reported that it doesn’t work there.
1.1.4 maintenance release
1.1.4 release is available for download (mirrors are syncing up).
Webserver is back
The webserver VM hung for some reason, so vyos.net website, the bugracker, and the forum were inaccessible for some time. Sorry for the inconvenience, it’s back...
SNMP OID and sysDescr change in lithium
The current stable release still uses old Vyatta OID (30803) and “Vyatta VyOS 1.x.x” in sysDescr. This makes SNMP tools recognize it as Vyatta, which doesn’t ha...
Any good reasons we should keep i586-virt image?
Right now we build three image flavours: amd64, i586, and i586-virt. Both flavour set and naming create some confusion occasionally. If there’s i586-virt, why n...
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Hello, I am looking for the best enterprise rooter so my question is;Does Vyos use quite old Debian Squeeze release which is not able to reveal the full power of the P-01. ?If this is true then shoul
I replied to this one by email, but to avoid just deleting the message…Many userspace packages are from squeeze, but many other are not, including the kernel (3...
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