VyOS Networks Blog

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Category: VyOS Platform Blog | 1.3 (3)

VyOS Developer Erkin Batu Altunbas
Posted 8 Aug, 2021

VyOS Project July 2021 Update

Hi again! It's time for the progress update for the month of July. We are still on the road to the 1.3.0-epa1 release that will mark the transition of the 1.3/E...
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VyOS Developer Erkin Batu Altunbas
Posted 22 Jul, 2021

VyOS Project May/June 2021 Update

Hello everyone, it's time for the progress update for the months of May and June. We've been a bit too busy with working on the code that we forgot to post a pr...
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Daniil Baturin
Posted 6 Jun, 2021

The future of VyOS, part 1: release schedule

Hello Community! The future of VyOS is bright! And in this post series, we will talk about our plans for the VyOS Project. This first post focuses on the most i...
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Daniil Baturin
Posted 26 Feb, 2021

VyOS 1.2.7-epa1 and 1.3.0-rc1 images are available

VyOS 1.2.7-epa1 First, VyOS 1.2.7-epa1 is now available to subscribers, and everyone can build an equivalent image from our repositories. It's a rather big rele...
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Daniil Baturin
Posted 14 Jun, 2020

Telemetry poll results and their implications

Our previous post regarding the prospect of introducing telemetry ended up pretty divisive. Apart from the sensitive nature of the topic itself, there were some...
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Daniil Baturin
Posted 29 May, 2020

Anonymous stats collection from VyOS routers: we need your opinions!

The T-word. Telemetry. Everyone hates it, not least because the most widely known implementations are unambiguously evil. We hate collection and sale of persona...
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Yuriy Andamasov
Posted 26 May, 2020

VyOS Project May 2020 Update

As usual, May was a busy month for VyOS. Originally we’ve planned a soft freeze of the 1.3 branches for early May, but it didn’t work as planned—in reality May ...
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Daniil Baturin
Posted 8 May, 2020

Is VyOS CLI fast yet?

Many people have noticed that in rolling release builds, everything was getting slower. Boot time, commit time, and even the time it takes to enter set commands...
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