Category: VyOS Platform Blog | Uncategorized (26)
New images and git digest #3
New images: i386, amd64. I think “vyos-$branch-$arch-$flavor-YYYYMMDD.iso” will be the standard naming for dev builds, unless anyone has better ideas.
Have you considered setting up a bounty system, whereby users could offer to pay to have various bugs fixed / enhancements made?
We discussed it briefly once, but didn’t come to conclusion. Actually we haven’t discussed commercialization so much yet, as we don’t yet have a viable product.
The post categories:
git digest #2
You are probably tired of it already, but I removed some branding. I always was under impression “install system” script was using the same library to “install ...
virt-iso and Xen PV images
I’ve got virt-iso and Xen images to build. Required packages (namely linux-image-…-586-vyatta-virt and open-vm-tools/open-vm-modules) are in the repos, so you c...
Early Vyatta GUI
The GUI is being discussed frequently, and that reminded me I’ve never seen the pre-glendale Vyatta GUI. If you haven’t seen it too, here’s some screenshots. Pr...
AMD64 repo and new images
AMD64 package repo is ready and you should be able to build amd64 ISOs now. Just use amd64 squeeze host to do that.
Hydrogen branch and automated submodule cloning
All submodules have hydrogen branch now. And we added a new script to the tools/ dir: “clone-full”.
64-bit image
We’ve built a 64-bit image today. Here it is: