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Category: VyOS Platform Blog | infrastructure

Daniil Baturin
Posted 29 May, 2024

Phorge (vyos.dev) maintenance on Wednesday night

Hello, Сommunity! Remember that we did some maintenance last week. Overall, it was a success, but the work on our Phorge task tracker at vyos.dev required more ...
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Yuriy Andamasov
Posted 17 Apr, 2023

VyOS support portal migration is complete

Hello Community! The support portal migration that we announced on Friday is now complete. The new FreshDesk platform will help us offer our customers and suppo...
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Yuriy Andamasov
Posted 14 Apr, 2023

VyOS support portal migration

Dear VyOS Community, This weekend (from Apr 15 10:00 UTC till Apr 16 18:00 UTC ), we will migrate the support portal to a new platform. We have done quite a lot...
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Daniil Baturin
Posted 14 Dec, 2021

Log4Shell vulnerability

Hello Community! Everyone is talking about the CVE-2021-44228 vulnerability recently found in the Log4j logging library, which was nicknamed Log4Shell because i...
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Daniil Baturin
Posted 13 Jul, 2018

Infrastructure failure resolved, downloads.vyos.io is back now

We have managed to resolve the infrastructure problems and bring the affected machines back intact. Now downloads.vyos.io and ci.vyos.net are back online, and o...
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Daniil Baturin
Posted 13 Jul, 2018

Infrastructure failure

Hi everyone, We've had a catastrophic failure on one of our hosts: two drives in a RAID5 failed simultaneously. A number of VMs related to the development infra...
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Daniil Baturin
Posted 3 Feb, 2015

SO3Group organization and repo restructuring

You may notice that github.com/SO3Group organization is gone. There is nothing horrible going on, I just merged it with github.com/vyos organization for conveni...
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Daniil Baturin
Posted 4 Aug, 2014

New mirror in the US

New mirror in the US (Maine): http://mirrors.maine.edu/vyos. Thanks to the University of Maine and Ray Soucy!
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Daniil Baturin
Posted 15 Feb, 2014

Infrastructure changes: new mirror in Japan

Kohei Takahashi from the WIDE project set up a mirror in Tsukuba, Japan: http://ftp.tsukuba.wide.ad.jp/software/vyos/. It’s been added to the mirrors page and t...
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