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Category: VyOS Platform Blog | vyos (4)

Yuriy Andamasov
Posted 26 May, 2020

VyOS Project May 2020 Update

As usual, May was a busy month for VyOS. Originally we’ve planned a soft freeze of the 1.3 branches for early May, but it didn’t work as planned—in reality May ...
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Yuriy Andamasov
Posted 10 May, 2020

VyOS Foundation Announcement

As you may already know, the VyOS project was started as a response to the cancellation of Vyatta Core, an open-source version of Vyatta that we used and loved....
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Daniil Baturin
Posted 3 May, 2020

VyOS Project April 2020 Update

Hello Community! Here is the April update from the VyOS project. Despite the global crisis, we are working on the project and expanding our services. There’s so...
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Yuriy Andamasov
Posted 14 Apr, 2020

VyOS 1.2.5 maintenance release

VyOS 1.2.5 maintenance release is finally available. Subscribers can download it from the support portal, and everyone can build it from the Crux branch and clo...
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Daniil Baturin
Posted 23 Mar, 2020

VyOS Project March 2020 Update

As usual, we’ve been busy working on the 1.2.x LTS release and on the future 1.3.0 version. One important update is that VyOS 1.2.5-epa2 (early production acces...
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Yuriy Andamasov
Posted 1 Jan, 2020

VyOS 1.2.4 release

Happy new year! I hope you all had a good rest while we preparing this release. It´s been a while from last 1.2.4 EPA but testing went pretty good. Thanks to al...
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Daniil Baturin
Posted 24 Dec, 2019

VyOS Project 2019 December Update

It's almost winter holidays time already! It's been a great year for VyOS, with many big improvements in the code, and more community contributions to the code ...
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Daniil Baturin
Posted 25 Nov, 2019

VyOS Project 2019 November Update

Welcome to the monthly round of VyOS project updates. What do we have in store for you?
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Yuriy Andamasov
Posted 29 Oct, 2019

VyOS Project 2019 October update

Everyone is probably aware that VyOS was built upon a codebase that hasn't aged well. VyOS 1.2.0 was all about a (sometimes painful) base system and codebase re...
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Daniil Baturin
Posted 4 Oct, 2019

Software and Support Subscriptions Update

Finally we have finished updating our website (there’s still an ongoing work on improving it though, and your suggestions are welcome!) And it's time to update ...
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