VyOS Networks Blog

Building an open source network OS for the people, together.

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Category: VyOS Platform Blog | vyos

Yuriy Andamasov
Posted 16 May, 2024

VyOS is featured in GigaOm Radar reports for network operating systems

Hello, Community! This year, VyOS is featured in GigaOm Radar reports on disaggregated network operating systems again, this time as a challenger and outperform...
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Daniil Baturin
Posted 2 Apr, 2024

xz backdoor, netfilter vulnerability, and a rolling release signing key leak

Hello, Community! There were quite a few security incidents lately that caught everyone's attention. Thankfully, none had any real impact on VyOS security, but ...
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Daniil Baturin
Posted 22 Feb, 2024

VyOS 1.4.0 (Sagitta) LTS release

Hello, Community! We are happy to announce that the VyOS 1.4.0-epa1 image is now available to customers and contributors (and everyone can build it from the sag...
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Santiago Blanquet
Posted 17 Jan, 2024

Thrilled to announce that VyOS is exhibiting at #MWC24

Hello Community! Thrilled to announce that VyOS is exhibiting at #MWC24 – the world’s largest and most influential connectivity event. Be first to see our lates...
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Daniil Baturin
Posted 12 Oct, 2023

What's left to do for 1.4 LTS? New zone-based firewall and more

Hello, Community! Many people ask us when VyOS 1.4 will become a stable release. Some people have even started using development builds of the Sagitta branch in...
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Daniil Baturin
Posted 27 Jul, 2023

Zenbleed and OpenSSH agent vulnerabilities and their impact on VyOS

Hello, Community! Recently, two severe vulnerabilities were discovered by security researchers. One of them is nicknamed Zenbleed (CVE-2023-20593) and affects a...
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Yuriy Andamasov
Posted 10 Feb, 2023

VyOS is now on AWS Outposts and Azure Stack Hub

Hello Community! We have not posted much lately, but the work backstage never stops. We keep working on the 1.4 release that should become the new LTS later thi...
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Yuriy Andamasov
Posted 24 Dec, 2022

Community support for open-source and why it's important

Hello, Community and happy winter holidays to all! VyOS 1.2.9, the last routine GA release in the 1.2.x line. It may not be the last release in that line in gen...
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Daniil Baturin
Posted 3 Nov, 2022

Recent OpenSSL vulnerabilities do not affect any VyOS versions

Many people are concerned about recently announced OpenSSL vulnerabilities (CVE-2022-3786 and CVE-2022-3602). However, none of the VyOS versions ever released a...
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Yuriy Andamasov
Posted 23 Sep, 2022

VyOS Sundays #2: join us on September the 25th, 16:00 UTC

Hello Community! In our live stream, we'll discuss the following topics: OpenCollective and its role in our project. The distinction between "free as in price" ...
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