VyOS Networks Blog

Building an open source network OS for the people, together.

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VyOS Developer Erkin Batu Altunbas
Posted 8 Nov, 2023

VyOS Project November 2023 update

Hello, Community! Curious what we've been up to lately? Here's the update for November: it includes the removal of the long de-facto deprecated cluster feature ...
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Daniil Baturin
Posted 17 Oct, 2023

VyOS 1.3.4 LTS release

Hello, Community! VyOS 1.3.4/Equuleus release is now officially available for download for customers and contributors. It includes a number of small features an...
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Daniil Baturin
Posted 12 Oct, 2023

What's left to do for 1.4 LTS? New zone-based firewall and more

Hello, Community! Many people ask us when VyOS 1.4 will become a stable release. Some people have even started using development builds of the Sagitta branch in...
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VyOS Developer Erkin Batu Altunbas
Posted 5 Oct, 2023

VyOS Project October 2023 Update

Hello, Community! September was quite the hectic month for us, not only because of the upcoming release of VyOS 1.4 Sagitta (you may have noticed the new branch...
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Daniil Baturin
Posted 26 Sep, 2023

What's coming for OpenVPN in VyOS 1.4?

Hello, Community! OpenVPN is one of the oldest open-source VPN protocols and implementations. It took the world by storm in the early 2000s because it was a hug...
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VyOS Developer Erkin Batu Altunbas
Posted 14 Sep, 2023

VyOS Project September 2023 Update

Hello, community! We're back with an end-of-summer update. We've been quite busy cleaning up legacy code, fixing bugs, and adding remaining features planned for...
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Yuriy Andamasov
Posted 1 Sep, 2023

10 years of VyOS, 30 years of Debian, 40 years of GNU

Hello, Community! This year is a year of three anniversaries that are very important for us. In October, VyOS turns 10. In August, Debian turned 30; in Septembe...
VyOS Developer Erkin Batu Altunbas
Posted 10 Aug, 2023

VyOS Project August 2023 Update

Hello, Сommunity! Summer may be supposed to be a quiet season, but there's quite some work that VyOS maintainers and contributors managed to do in July, nonethe...
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Daniil Baturin
Posted 27 Jul, 2023

Zenbleed and OpenSSH agent vulnerabilities and their impact on VyOS

Hello, Community! Recently, two severe vulnerabilities were discovered by security researchers. One of them is nicknamed Zenbleed (CVE-2023-20593) and affects a...
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Daniil Baturin
Posted 14 Jul, 2023

VyOS Project July 2023 Update

Hello, Сommunity! We hope you enjoy your summer! In June, there was a lot of work done on VyOS. Why is this update so short, then? One reason is that VyOS 1.4 i...
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